Cauliflower Steak


1 head of cauliflower

½ cup of extra-virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon of paprika

½ teaspoon of curry powder

2 garlic cloves, ground

1 teaspoon of cumin seed

¾ teaspoon of fit salt

Recently ground dull pepper


Preheat the oven to 400°F.


Kill the outside leaves of the cauliflower and trim away the stem end. Balance the head upstanding on its base, and progressively cut 2 thick "steaks" around 1 ½-2 drags across, down the point of convergence of the cauliflower through the middle. (A singular cauliflower head usually contains around 2 extraordinary assessed steaks — save any overabundance florets for another usage, like cauliflower rice.)


In a little bowl, combine the olive oil, paprika, curry powder, garlic, cumin, salt, and two or three great wrenches of pepper. Mix well to incorporate.


Put steaks on a baking sheet or a cast-iron skillet, and shower with oil mix, warily covering the different sides.


Sear the steaks, flipping somewhat through until cauliflower is fragile and becoming splendid brown and new around the edges, close to 15 minutes.

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